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Palm oil: the biofuel of the future driving an ecological disaster now

"The boom in palm oil, the biofuel of the future, is putting some of our rarest animals in danger. "


A freeze on biofuels would be bordering on Luddite

"With scientific advances, converting crops into energy will soon be sustainable, says Giles Clark"


End of oil heralds climate pain

"Many people think that running out of oil, or "peak oil", would be good for the climate. In his new book The Last Oil Shock, David Strahan begs to differ; he suggests it may bring catastrophe."


EU fuel push 'may damage forests'

"Oil firms have warned that European Union plans on biofuels could damage the world's rainforests."


Fuels of the future

"'We are on the threshold of a major change and this is going to be very expensive', says the GM boss "

Displaying results 1026 to 1030 out of 1050